Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Busy Weekend

We had a very productive and busy weekend. I hope everyone else's weekend went well. Sarah was out for 5 days for President's Day. (Thursday-Monday) What to do, what to we did what anyone with season passes for the San Diego Zoo and wild Animal Park would do. We paid a visit to both of them this past weekend. On Friday we went to the zoo with one of Sarah's classmates. We had an absolute blast. It even rained, and we still had a great time. Then, we had to do some more packing, because that is what we do now. After that, we decided we needed to head to the Wild Animal Park on President's Day. We were not the only people with that idea. :) The parking lot was packed, but we had no trouble inside the park. Sarah really enjoyed herself as well as Jimmy and I. The only bad thing was that the 5 days seem to fly by. I can't believe how fast time goes when you are having fun. So, needless to say, we are back into the real life this week. Sarah started back to school today, and Jimmy back to work. I volunteered in Sarah's class. After the kids had 5 days off and then came back today, I definitely am taking tomorrow and recovering. Man, nothing like 29 kids going crazy at the same time. We had a good time though. All in all, a very productive, yet fun past few days. We are now looking forward to Spring Break. Please enjoy the pics and have a wonderful week.
Daddy Polar Bear trying to get Mama Polar Bear's attention.

Sarah wants a Koala Bear for a pet. 
Sarah feeding a giraffe.

Panda Bear finding treats.
Brothers just hanging out.

This is EXACTLY what I look like in the morning. 

This is what Jimmy looks like. :)
Look at how cute that baby elephant is. 

Sarah feeding the ducks. 

This is our wild animal after a weekend of watching other animals. 

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Busy Week

I hope everyone has had a wonderful week. I can't complain about mine at all. I did get some things accomplished this week. Our entire house is painted back to the basic white. I have done a housing pre-inspection, and the mover's came to do a pre-move inspection. Not too shabby for this week. Sarah is out of school Thurs.-Monday for President's Day. So, she is my little helper bee. She loves helping me do projects. So, I let her help. Sometimes, it takes 4 hours longer, but hey, we are never in a hurry if Daddy is not here. :) So, today we cleaned out the pantry. Oh my how it needed a good cleaning. I love the feeling I get from organizing. So, today I got that good feeling, and a clean pantry. It was a win-win situation. :) We are going to go this weekend to Costco for the last few times we have left before our membership runs out. That is one place I will miss when we move. Then, I plan on taking Sarah to see "Megamind" while Jimmy watches the race on Sunday. Let's hope all works out for us. Oh, and hopefully pics will soon be added to the lens is fixed. I hope to pick it up tomorrow. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and a blessed week.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Packing, Packing, and More Packing...

So, here it is February 8, 2011. I have all of my counters on the computer of how many days I have left for things. I only have 54 days until the movers come...99 days until we are in Okinawa. Wow...that puts it in perspective. I feel like I have so much to do, but I don't want to do it too soon. There is nothing like living out of suitcases too soon. So, I wait. Impatiently I might add. I am ready to do things. That is what military wives do. We pack, unpack, get things the way we want, and then do it all over again. It is a continuous cycle. I am not patient when it comes to my "To Do" list. I want to start crossing things off. I like the feeling I get when I can finally cross off things. It makes me feel accomplished. Right now, I am not very accomplished. I am just waiting...impatiently. I will say that we have started a few things. We did paint the kitchen back to the original white. That is a start. Pretty soon I will be complaining that it is going too fast. LOL You know I want my cake and eat it too. :) I am going to EMBRACE this little bit of quiet time I have to just savor. I will be busy busy busy in the next few months. So, I think I will go for now and catch up on my Tivo. There is still plenty of time for packing. (Remind me I said this in 54 days. LOL) Have a great day!