Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Island Hopping...How Lucky

Boy have we been busy here in Okinawa. Life has a way of flying right by. I get up with my ToDo list and before you know I go to bed exhausted. I love it. I feel like sitting around is just a waste of a day. So, bring it on. Jimmy left on the MEU yesterday from White Beach. It is absolutely stunning in that area. It is about an hour north of our house. Jess and I, along with the girls, drove up and watch the ship pull out of port. It is amazing to watch the little tugboats push this big ship out to sea. As soon as we knew that Jimmy was off and running we left and decided on a whim to take our own adventure. Coming out of the gate at White Beach if you take a right you will go for a ways and come to a big red bridge. If you cross over the bridge you have driven into another world. There is 3 separate islands you can get to just by driving over some bridges. It is such an amazing view and wonderful drive. The people live off the land for the most part, so it is very much just villages and farms. We even stumbled upon an ancient village from 2500 years ago. Amazing since we live in the city where life is hustle and bustle. I had to pinch myself to see if I was really there. I am so lucky to have been afforded the opportunity to be here. I had to give my speech to Sarah about how lucky she is to be here. I sure hope she remembers this part of her life. Who can say they did these things at 6? I know I certainly can not. Lucky is not even close to how I feel about me being here. I am truly blessed to be able to have this life experience, and to be able to see and do all this with my best friend just makes it that much more special. I am beyond blessed. I feel guilty if we don't go out one day because there is so much to see and do. We only have a certain amount of time here, and I am sure trying to take it all in. So, island hopping yesterday, who know what this weekend? Life is good....


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